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Embracing the Shadow – Workshop

October 14, 2023

Embracing the Shadow is a workshop to explore the parts of self that many of us avoid: our shadow parts. This can include aspects of self that are operating out of fear, trauma responses, addiction, negative personality traits, or limited beliefs and behaviors.

Our work is to embrace the shadow or “darkness” and allow it to teach us while we gently diffuse its power over our everyday lives so we can access the richness of energy, creativity, and wisdom those parts contain. This is a transformative and empowering workshop that will include healing modalities to safely explore the shadow parts including a potent meditation, naming and claiming mindfulness practices, identifying triggers, soul retrieval healing or inner child processing, and emotional regulation work.

Bring your journal and an open mind. (It’s also a New Moon!)

Embracing the Shadow is led by Leah Guy, master healer, intuitive, and author of Overcoming Toxic Emotions; A Practical Guide to Building Better Relationships with Yourself and Others.

Sign up now using the following link – https://hometownyogalambertville.com/workshops

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October 14, 2023
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Hometown Yoga Lambertville
13 North Union Street
Lambertville, NJ 08530 United States
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Leah Guy