Renewal – A Personal Share

Renewal – A Personal Share

Leah Graduating from Heroic Public Speaking.

I don’t know about you, but every year when spring rolls around I am more than ready! This year in particular.

I’m one of those people who can acclimate to most anything. Any environment, any situation, any conditions, I figure out a way to endure. It’s partly my personality, but it also comes from living in survival mode for many years, dealing with unprocessed trauma and fears. So I have to be especially aware of how I’m REALLY doing, because I know how to make any situation fine.

Just early this year did my body start to come back into alignment with my higher self. Through Covid I was working a lot – supporting others, creating groups, livestreams, social media and seeing clients as we all were thrown from our reality into a state of fear and sometimes, sickness. And now that that experience has thawed a bit, I feel myself coming home. More embodied, more alive.

Last year I committed to a graduate program for public speaking. I’ve been attending Heroic Public Speaking for the past 8 months and have recently graduated! While it was a lot of work (internal and external), the experience was more than I could imagine. It was true nourishment for my soul. To remind me who I am, my passion in speaking and teaching. The people in my cohort were fantastic – so supportive, encouraging and inspiring.

The entire experience was a major renewal and reminded me that we are never too old, too busy, or too inexperienced to say yes to what our hearts are calling us toward. And when we do that, it is like springtime for the Soul.

I want to remind you and be your advocate for doing what you need to renew your heart and mind. Whether that is recommitting to a long-lost dream, saying no to what is weighing you down, or saying yes to more daily self-care. You deserve it. Sometimes life is really tough, but I don’t believe we were brought to this world to only suffer. Suffer we do, but blossom we must.

New Course – Trust

New Course – Trust

I just created a NEW course on a platform that I trust: InsightTimer. This course is about Trust – Trusting Yourself, Others and the Divine and I can’t wait to share it with you. Seriously I can’t, seeing as I just launched it about 30 minutes ago :-). I love this topic as trust is a major contributor of many of our blockages. We’ve lost trust in relationships, in spirit and in our selves and working on regaining that trust and getting a new perspective will take us leaps and bounds into healing and personal growth. Trust is a hard thing because we’ve been taught that we put our trust outside of ourselves. When we unlearn that perspective and realize the innate nature of how we trust every moment of every day, we can truly have a different experience with others and in our day to day. I hope you get a lot out of this course. It’s just 5 days, audio and includes a brief meditation each day. If you haven’t used InsightTimer, I recommend you checking it out. There are tons of free meditations and livestreams, with an option to pay for premium content (this is where my course will live but it’s affordable!). I have meditations on both the free and premium versions. The link to the course is here: And please follow me on the app so you can join the livestreams every other week as well!

Is Sage Worth the Hype?

Is Sage Worth the Hype?

What exactly is Sage? Thinking about holiday food, we may first think of it as one of the many seasonings used to enhance the natural flavors of some of our favorite recipes.  But this herb isn’t just for cooking. Sage also has some powerful antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties and can be found in a bundle ready to be smudged.


Smudging, another term for burning sage, involves burning the sage leaves while releasing smoke into the air.  The release of this smoke emanates lots of benefits such as:

·  Cleanses the air by warding off bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

·  Helps release negative energy from the air.

·  Repels insects outdoors.

·  Improves intuition and spiritual awareness.

·  Can purify specific objects such as antique items.

·  Reduces stress and anxiety and improves one’s mood.

·  It has been found useful to help aid lung, brain, and skin functions.


To really reap the benefits mentioned above it is important to note that finding good quality sage is an important first step, as well as sage that has been harvested ethically. It’s easy to grow your own, dry and bundle, or if that isn’t possible, buy from reputable sources.  You can click the link to my online store where you can find mindfully harvested and carefully crafted sage bundles to assist you in your new personal cleansing ritual.

If the smoke is too intense for you, not to worry – I also carry an aromatic sage spray with some wonderful oil blends to reap some of the same effects. Calm your mind and clearing out unwanted negative energies from your space.

Sage Bundle

Sage Aura Spray


You’ve received my sage bundle in the mail, now what?  There’s a ritual or technique in lighting this bundle and setting your intentions and smudging either your rooms, yourself, and your items.  This YouTube clip will walk you through the process. Caution – there may be parts of this segment where you won’t see me as clearly. No worries, it’s the sage doing its thing!

Still not comfortable striking that match or maybe stuck on how to set that intention?  I found many in this same scenario and this is why as one of my services I can personally come to your house and perform this sacred ritual alongside you if you are in the NJ/NY area.  Here is a link with more information.

Smudging Service Link


Many assume that it was my love for this aromatic herb that led me to the name of Modern Sage for my business.  Although I am a firm believer in its spiritual and medicinal properties, it really came down to the simplicity of the name.  Modern Sage was a magazine that went on the market many years ago and I was drawn to it. I knew one day I’d have a storefront for my healing work and it felt like the perfect name and intention, so I purchased the name.  So glad I did. My goal is to spread my knowledge of positivity, spirituality, mindful living, and emotional healing to others.  The double entendre of the word sage was the perfect fit indeed!

Although my business name incorporates the words Modern and Sage into one phrase, Modern Sage, I do ask that if you are planning to give sage a smudge you respect its roots.  As smudging has become more and more popularized commercially let us be mindful of the ancient practice from which it originates.  Also, as I shared earlier be mindful to buy from a legally sourced distributor, one that is local, or from a Native American-owned business.

Whether you smudge or take in the aromatic air around the holidays or new year, let this serve as a reminder of my spiritual teachings, and the peace and restoration for the soul that my work embodies. Let this Modern Sager light the way with your presence in mind. Make no smudges about that!

Leah’s Guide to Healthy Radiant Skin

Leah’s Guide to Healthy Radiant Skin

Summertime is often a time when your whole body is saying “Pay attention to me!” That includes your skin. From protection to sweating, cleansing, and brightening, the summer sun is here to help us.

People often ask me about the best skin-care products. I’ve always been passionate about self-care products, including for the face and body, and when I began having hormone-related skin-care issues I decided to take matters into my own hands!

Our skin changes, and sometimes drastically, depending on our diet, our age and stressors in our lives. When I entered my 40’s, I began to have severe rosacea on my cheeks, uneven tone, and the general bags under my eyes. I knew I had to make some changes both internally and externally, and the results were positive.

There are some wonderful products out there, including Modern Sage, and it’s also great to experiment on your own! It’s all about nurturing and finding balance, just as we do for our minds and emotions. I put together this info-chart for those who are interested, that includes a few of my other favorites I use from time-to-time. I like to keep things simple. Otherwise life gets overwhelming then we fail at our attempts and feel poorly about ourselves.

Many moons ago when I started working after college and entering the holistic health world I worked at a health-food store (several eventually) and through all of the roles I had at these places, my favorite was managing the HBA department. (health and beauty). It was here I began learning and testing all of the supplements, oils and beauty products on the market. So you can imagine my short list above has been distilled from 20+ years of trial and error.

This post is mainly about facial skin care, but I’d like to note for full-body skincare, one of my favorite tools is a dry brush. Getting a firm natural bristle dry brush and using it regularly, starting at the feet up to the shoulders (but not the face) can do wonders for your circulation, removal of dead skin, brightening and energizing the body.

Every body is different, so respect your own. Although I still love to experiment and try new things, the above has been my regimen now for years! Enjoy!

Releasing Expectations & Disappointment

Releasing Expectations & Disappointment

…and How it’s Different than Anticipation

I was so worked up, filled with angst and anger that I couldn’t sleep. It took about an hour to calm down, reframe my thinking, release emotions and get to the root of the inner turmoil.

Disappointment caused by expectations, do you know what I’m talking about?

In promoting my new book, I’ve been working to get book reviews. Like many authors, copies of book are given to either professional reviewers, or people who request to read in exchange for a review. I’d joined a professional women’s group, and offered it to a few clients who seemed eager. At least 40 copies went out.

A few people followed through and I was so grateful. Ironically, it was people whom I didn’t know that left reviews. I followed up with the others and no response. Or worse, “Yes, so sorry I’ll do it by the end of the week!” And then crickets.

The feeling of disappointment and angst I felt was admittedly larger than the current situation called for. But this is how it feels when a current situation is triggering an older, unresolved situation.

I felt unappreciated, disrespected and lied to. I’d just worked for years to write a book in order to help people, then give my work for free and then people don’t follow through.

It’s my work, and reviews are critical, so I cared a great deal. I want nothing more than lots of people to benefit from the words on that page, and without reviews, it’s less likely to happen.

I was also sad. When people don’t do what they say they’ll do, especially when it comes to being helpful or agreeing to something, it makes me lose heart.

But what if I didn’t have the expectation that I had? What if some people didn’t have time, or didn’t like the book, or maybe they have a shame wound that has created inner turmoil including procrastination, or other personal afflictions?

Expectation can make you miserable. Expectation is based in need, and often ego. We expect to be treated a certain way that will make us feel worthy, validated, seen or heard. We expect to be loved a certain way to fulfill our emotional needs that perhaps weren’t fulfilled as a child. We expect a certain income because that identifies our value. We expect lots of things in this society, and it’s creating a culture of unhappiness.

Anticipation, on the other hand, is a different energy than expectation. Anticipation is looking forward to something that is in motion, or that we have been part of creating, and is fueled with excitement or joy. It’s the humming in your spirit that things are aligning and a new adventure ensues.

What would it feel like to detach from expectation but step into anticipation? If you didn’t expect someone (or thing) to satisfy one of your needs, but you satisfied it yourself, maybe you wouldn’t feel let down, disappointed, or angry.

What if I had gifted my books for the sole purpose of helping others and sharing my work rather than expecting something in return? Or I could pay reviewers to get the job done and assure its success. Then, I would have gotten the reviews I wanted, and whatever reviews I did get from people I gifted it to without expectation, I would have been even happier with the surprise and thoughtfulness sent my way.

What if, instead of expectation, we create the experiences we need to feel honored, loved, seen, heard and supported in our lives – and then lived with joyful anticipation of watching the universe respond to our high vibration thoughts and actions?

When we release expectation and create healthy boundaries and self-care steps to make sure our needs are met, we release the attachment to old pain. We can sleep better at night, honor our work, love ourselves and wake with the anticipation of knowing we are doing our best and will attract what is meant to be in our lives.

If you are one of the people who agreed to do a review, but didn’t, not to worry, I’ve released expectation and disappointment from the experience.

** NEW PODCAST JUST DROPPED: Toxic Masculinity with comedian Chuck Nice!